1983 >> November >> Letters to the Editor  

Letters to the Editor

Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", November 1983, page 23

Dear Dora, 

Along with my subscription I am enclosing a drawing (75% actual size) of a piece of glass a friend recently brought to me. We local collectors have not been able to identify its use.

The glass was found in 1968 outside a closed Western Union office in southern Illinois. Although it is solid and two inches thick, it is clear enough to read Crown Jewels' articles through. There are no identifying marks on the insulator. it looks like a giant perfume bottle stopper with threads. 

We are hoping that you or your readers can tell us if this is an insulator or what it may have been used for.

Before closing, I would like you to know that I think your publication helps keep insulator collecting alive. Keep up the good work.
Luther Gunn 
Springfield, Illinois 

Dear Dora,

I'm Back! I have drifted away from collecting for a while. I now realize how much fun I had, plus the nice people I've met. Also I would like to send along some information that I have been meaning to send for some time. This is for the hard core Pyrex collectors. 

First, about the 701 (the Biggy). I have had at least two dozen of these at different times from three different locations. What follows are some of my observations. I have never seen one of these embossed 701, nor have I ever seen one or talked to anyone who has seen a carnival glass one (with the exception that will be later explained). The following are color variations I have had. These are all light but distinct colors: 

  • Straw -- pretty, most common.
  • Green tint -- also pretty, may be the hardest to locate. 
  • Clear -- also difficult to locate. 
  • Stray, with a touch of carnival iridescence. (This is the exception I mentioned before.) The carnival is very light around the top wire groove and surrounding area. 

Also for the hard core Pyrex collector I have three through the wall tubes approximately 3/4" X 10". One of these is marked in green "Pyrex". The other two are unmarked. They were in the wall of a sub-station building that was build in the 40's. If any Pyrex collector wants these, I would trade for a nice insulator.

Thank you and good collecting to all.
Tom Kasner

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